Dates: Monday 16 October – Wednesday 18 October 2023
Location: València, Spain (Espacio ADEIT)
Format: Hybride (face-to-face or virtual)
Gustau CAMPS-VALLS (Univertat de València, Spain)
Dim COUMOU (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Manon ROUSSELLE (CNRS, France)
Eva SEVILLANO MARCO (Universitat de València, Spain)
Pascal YIOU (LSCE-IPSL, CEA, France)

Monday, October 16th - Morning
09:05 | Welcome remarks Gustau Camps-Valls (UVEG)
Introduction Robert Vautard (IPSL), Dim Coumou (VU) Manon Rousselle (IPSL)
Short remarks by the Project Officer: Review and launch of new EU projects (10’) Richard Tavares (CINEA, European Commission) |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10:30 | New Challenges and Opportunities with AI Chair: Dim Coumou (VU)
‘Transformers in Earth and Climate’ (30’) Miguel-Ángel Fernández-Torres (UVEG) & Chiem van Straaten (VU)
‘Symbolic regression for learning laws’ (30’) Broger Guimerà (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Break (15’)
‘ClimateQ&A’ (15’) Théo Alves Da Costa (Ekimetrics) – online
‘ChatClimate’ (15’) Veruska Muccione (University of Zurich) – online
‘Climate Model Tuning’ (15’) Redouane Lguensat (IPSL) – online
General Discussion (30’) |
13:00 | Lunch |

16 October – Afternoon
14:00 | Outreach and Communication discussion Chair: Clair Barnes (ICL)
Education and XAIDA (25’) Dudley Shallcross (PSTT) Simon Klein (OCE) – online
Communication and outreach (10’) Manon Rousselle (IPSL-CNRS)
Promotion Committee (20’) Sarah Kew (KNMI), Miguel-Ángel Fernández-Torres (UVEG), Dominik Schumacher (ETHZ)
General Discussion (30’) |
15:30 | Coffee Break |
16:00 | Work-Packages Updates
WP2 Fredi Otto (ICL) WP3 Miguel Mahecha (UL), Nora Linscheid (MPI), Miguel-Ángel Fernández-Torres (UVEG) WP4 Martin Rabel (DLR) WP5 Aglaé Jézéquel (IPSL) WP6 Sonia Seneviratne (ETHZ), Jakob Zschleischer (UFZ) WP7 Marlene Kretschmer (UL, UR) WP8 Erika Coppola (ICTP), Davide Faranda (IPSL) |
18:00 | Poster Session |
19:00 | End of day 1 |

17 October - Morning
09:00 | Drawing a map toward Climate Services and Stakeholders Breakout Sessions: 3 parallel groups Organised by Dim, Sarah and Sjoukje
Group 1: Worst case scenarios (statistical, analogues and boosting) Chair: Sebastian Sippel (UL)
Group 2: Climate Services for agriculture Chair: Nora Linscheid (MPI) INRAE | Burak Bulut (IPSL) – online Vegetation forecasting | Nora Linscheid (MPI)
Group 3: Loss & Damage & Lawyers, what can XAIDA do? Chair: Dim Coumou (VU) & Sophie Marjanac (ClientEarth) |
10:15 | 5min breakout reports by the group chairs (plenary) Sjoukje Philipp (KNMI)- updating the XLS-sheet |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
11:00 | Climate Services & Stakeholders: tools for a real-time attribution Chair: Sarah Kew (KNMI)
How does WWA work? Fredi Otto (ICL)
How does ClimaMeter work? Davide Faranda (IPSL), Erika Coppola (ICTP)
What can XAIDA deliver to WWA or ClimaMeter? Robert Vautard (IPSL)
Plans by C3S on operationalizing Carlo Buontempo (C3S) – online |
12:00 | Central Case Studies review and discussion (plenary) 1/2 Chair: Robert Vautard (IPSL) |
13:00 | Lunch |

17 October - Afternoon
14:00 | Central Case Studies review and discussion (plenary) 2/2 Chair: Robert Vautard (IPSL) |
15:00 | Hands-on sessions working with tools – 3 parallel groups 2 sessions of 45min for each group with coffee break inbetween
Group 1: AIDE Toolbox Chair: València’s team
Group 2: Causal Pathways & Mediation: Toy models & Applications Chair: Martin Rabel (DLR) & Oana Popescù (DLR)
Group 3: ClimaMeter Chair: Davide Faranda (IPSL) |
17:00 | External Advisory Board (EAB) session Chair: Robert Vautard (IPSL) |
18:30 | End of Day 2 |
| Surprised Social Evening Organised by the team of Universitat de València |

18 October – Morning
09.30 | Governance discussion Governing Board only |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
10:45 | Next Steps
Summer School 2024 Manon Rousselle (IPSL), Davide Faranda (IPSL)
Dissemination (briefs topics, conferences, press conferences) Robert Vautard (IPSL)
Stakeholder interaction plan WP2
Collaborations (CLINT, CostAction Future Med, other EU projects, others) Dim Coumou (VU) Samira Khodayar presenting CostAction Future Med
New calls Dim Coumou (VU) |
12:30 | Tapas Lunch Time & End of the GA |

WP2 | Sarah Kew (KNMI) |
WP3 | Maria Gonzalez-Calabuig (UVEG), Tristan Williams (UVEG) |
WP4 | Oana Popescù (DLR), Martin Rabel (UVEG) |
WP5 | Pascal Yiou (IPSL) |
WP6 | Dominik Schumacher (ETHZ) |
WP7 | Emmanuel Rouges (UR) |
WP8 | Davide Faranda (IPSL) |
Thematic posters
How to produce an article suitable for a primary school audience from primary research | Dudley Shallcross (PSTT) |
Forecasting drought impact in Africa with AI | Nora Linscheid (MPI) |
Causal Inference for Detection and Attribution of Extreme Event Pathways | Martin Rabel (DLR) |
Understanding the emergence of trends in humid heat intensity and duration in recent decades over South Asia | Jitendra Singh (ETHZ) |
Investigating the typicality of the dynamics leading to extreme temperatures in the IPSL-CM6A-LR model | Robin Noyelle (IPSL) |
Extreme heatwaves in Europe 1950-2020: analysis of the links between meteorology, population, and impacts | Lou Mandonnet (IPSL) |
Drivers of Mediterranean winter drought | Chiem van Straaten (VU) |
A Framework for the Super Attribution of Multiple Extreme Events | Chen Lu (ICTP) |
A deep learning framework to emulate the convection permitting dynamical models for extreme precipitation | Valentina Blasone (ICTP) |