Extreme weather events in 2023 illustrated how poorly prepared the world is for the growing risks of climate change. Nowadays it is possible to use attribution science to investigate the role of climate change and other factors in specific weather and climate extremes. Attribution studies estimate by how much a specific extreme event was made more (or less) likely and/or intense because of climate change. This policy brief summarizes key learnings from the first two years of the XAIDA project and formulates recommendations.
XAIDA Webinar #4
The 4th session of our webinar will occur on April 9th at 2 PM CET. Miguel Ángel Fernández Torres (IPL, Universitat de València) will present the AIDE Toolbox: Artificial Intelligence for Disentangling Extreme Events.
Check out the details to attend, discuss and follow the discussion!
XAIDA Webinar #3
The 3rd session of our webinar will occur on March 19th at 2 PM CET. José M. Tárraga will speak about Exploring interactions between socioeconomic context and natural hazards on human population displacement.
Check out the details to attend, discuss and follow the discussion!
The next XAIDA training school entitled ‘Attributing Impacts of Climate Change (I2C): Challenges, Methods and Perspectives’ took place on May 26-31, 2024 in the Les Plantiers village, in France.
Check out the lectures and details.
XAIDA Webinar #2
The 2nd session of our webinar will occur on Feburary 28th at 2 PM CET. Raed Hamed (VU) will speak about Climate storylines for assessing compound events and extreme crop impacts.
Check out the details to attend, discuss and follow the discussion!
XAIDA Webinar #1
The 1st session of our webinar will occur on January 24th at 10:30 AM CET. Davide FARANDA (CNRS) will speak about A framework for attributing extreme events to climate change and evaluating adaptation strategies: the example of Venice Acqua Alta events.
Check out the details to attend, discuss and follow the discussion!
In 2023, the world reached new record temperatures, with an unprecedented global mean temperature of 1.48°C above pre-industrial levels. These record temperatures strongly increased the intensity of heatwaves, droughts and extreme rainfall associated with storms like Otis and Daniel.
The XAIDA team hosted a Press Conference on January 9th 2024 at 2pm CET to explain these results and methods. Find the Press Release and the video record of the Press Conference here.
Event: XAIDA at EGU 2024
Event: the XAIDA teams are hosting several sessions at EGU. Check out the sessions and submit your abstract!
How can we attribute weather extremes to climate change?
With climate change we see an increase in extreme weather events around the globe; occurrences of floods, heatwaves, and droughts. Within XAIDA, we aim to determine to what extent human induced climate change has altered the probability of occurrence and/or intensity of an extreme weather event, also known as attribution science. Several institutions work on attribution science, using different but complementary methodological frameworks. In this brief we explain the three main approaches used within XAIDA: unconditional probabilistic analysis, circulation analogues, and the storyline approach.
Paper: Simulations of a worst-case heatwave during the Paris Olympics in 2024
Read the paper: The Paris Olympics in 2024 will take place between July 26th to August 11th 2024, at the apex of the temperature seasonal cycle. Can the deadly 15-day temperature record of 2003 be broken in the present decades? How hot can it be in the Paris area?