XAIDA is now hosting an open monthly webinar. Within the XAIDA project, sixteen research institutes and climate risk practitioners, aim to develop and apply novel artificial intelligence methods to better assess and predict the influence of climate change on extreme weather. Join the webinar each month to dive into interesting topics such as machine learning for climate extremes, the societal impact of extremes, and education about climate change.
Coordination: Manon Rousselle (IPSL)
Registration: xaidaproject@gmail.com
Programme 2025
The programme is in progress
January 7 2pm CET | Dominik SCHUMACHER (ETH Zurich) | Storylines of Heat and Drought |
January 21 2pm CET | Svenja SEEBER (ETH Zurich) | How extreme was the global heat in 2023/24? |
February 18 2pm CET | Aglaé JEZEQUEL (LMD-IPSL) | Broadening the scope of antropogenic influence in extreme event attribution |
March 18 2pm CET | Oana-Iulia POPESCU (TU Dresden) | Causal discovery with endogenous context variables |
April 22 (TBC) | Simon KLEIN (OCE) | Climate Education on Etreme Events (TBC) |
June 10 10am CET | Pradeebane VAITTINADA AYAR (LSCE-IPSL) | Ensemble Random Forest for Tropical Cyclone Tracking |
XAIDA Webinar #15
The 15th session of our webinar will occur on February 18th, 2025 at 2PM (14:00) CET. Aglaé Jézéquel (LMD-IPSL) will talk about ‘Broadening the scope of anthropogenic influence in extreme event attribution?’
Check out the details to attend, discuss and follow the discussion!
XAIDA Webinar #14
The 14th session of our webinar will occur on January 21st, 2025 at 2PM (14:00) CET. Svenja Seeber (ETH Zurich) will talk about ‘How extreme was the global heat in 2023/24?’
Check out the details to attend, discuss and follow the discussion!